VIOLENT crime has increased in Richmondshire by 43pc over the last year, police have revealed.

However, crime in the district has decreased by 2pc overall, with house burglaries down by 32pc, vehicle crime down by a third and robbery down by 30pc over the same period.

But non-house burglaries, such as break-ins to barns and outhouses, has seen a 31pc increase in the district over the past year.

The latest police figures for 2004-05 were revealed at a presentation in Richmond Town Hall on Monday night. Officers also took the opportunity to outline the town's police priorities.

Sgt Mick Griffith said: "We have got to get violence down."

He pointed out the increase in violent crime reflected national statistics and that put it partly down to the fact more domestic violence was now being reported.

"We only have two places for violence - Richmond and Catterick Garrison," he said. "They are the only two places that we actually get violence to that degree, apart from domestic."

He said North Yorkshire police was taking a community approach to policing, working with organisations such as councils, the other emergency services, schools, the clergy and other community organisations, as well as the general public, to share information in order to cut crime.

Schemes such as Dales Watch, which work in a similar way to neighbourhood watch, have been implemented in rural areas where residents were concerned about crime, and could be rolled out across the district.

Anti-social behaviour would also be a police priority, and plans were being made to avoid a repeat of rowdy disruption and damage caused after the Richmond Meet last year.

Sgt Griffith said that he felt the trouble at last year's event was isolated, and that police resources had been stretched because of an accident on the A66.

He said they would be working with licensees to prevent similar incidents this year.

Disturbing attacks in Richmond this year have included two violent daylight muggings of elderly women and an attack on a paramedic, who was left with a dislocated shoulder and concussion after an assault in the centre.

The incident occurred at 3am while he was on duty.

Last month, police released CCTV footage of a Market Place attack in which a man was left unconscious by a violent assault.

All of the offences occurred in January.

* North Yorkshire police's new single non-emergency contact number is 0845 6060247.