A RECRUITMENT drive is under way ahead of the opening of a night club.

The £2.2m Studio in Chester-le-Street is the latest venture for Vimac Leisure, which needs more than 40 full and part-time staff to begin work in mid-May.

Studio will offer two self-contained floors, each with a bar, dance area, plasma screens and seating booths.

Altered lighting effects and differing music policies will clearly define each level, further highlighted by DJs playing live on both floors.

Two recruitment open evenings will be held at the Chester-le-Street Community Centre from 6pm until 9pm this Thursday and from 5pm until 8pm this Saturday.

Representatives from Vimac Leisure, including bar managers and staff from its other venues will be on hand to meet and assess hopeful applicants.

Studio's manager Colin Rowlings said: "Studio will be the first night club of its kind in Chester-le-Street and will bring a very high quality venue to the town.

"As part of our recruitment plans, we are looking for both full and part-time staff to achieve the high level of customer service we are committed to offering."

Vimac Leisure managing director Paul Mackings said: "We are very excited about the forthcoming opening."