WEARY rowers from an all-girl college were guaranteed to sleep well last night after completing 24-hours' hard slog on the River Wear.

Coxed four crews from St Mary's College Boat Club, in Durham City, took it in turns to row for two hours along the river, from noon on Wednesday to midday yesterday.

While the club's ageing but much-loved fours boat, the appropriately-named Mary Rose, was in constant motion on the river, other volunteers were preparing food and drinks to re-fuel crews between stints, or collecting donations from passers-by.

Money raised will pay for much-needed equipment for the 79-year-old club, which is preparing for its first intake of male students in the next academic year. St Mary's, Durham University's last single-sex college, will be co-educational from October.

Boat club president Sarah Gregory said the event went smoothly, apart from one "disastrous" two-hour session on Wednesday afternoon.

Mishaps included two collisions with pleasure craft, and one with the riverbank, but the Mary Rose survived to complete the marathon.

Meanwhile, several senior club members will be taking part in the British Universities' Sports Association championship, in Nottingham, at the weekend.