Police have issued a new warning on the dangers of replica rifles after two authentic-looking examples were seized by officers.

Both the replica assault rifles were capable of firing ball-bearing pellets and were recovered from teenagers in North Yorkshire.

And police say that while not as deadly as the real thing, the replicas still pose a very serious danger when misused by youngsters.

Their use could also have serious consequences if armed officers, responding to a supposed emergency "firearms" incident, cannot be certain they are genuine or imitations.

North Yorkshire's assistant chief constable Peter Bagshaw said: "I urge parents not buy BB guns for teenagers. Mums and dads must realise that they are not just 'toys'. They can, and have, caused serious injury.

"I also appeal to the youngsters themselves to think about what they are doing and act with common sense."

He warned that the use of replica guns in public often led to 999 calls from frightened members of the public.

"When we get an emergency call involving a firearm we have to treat it very seriously," he said.

"I have a duty to protect members of the public and my officers. Every weapon being carried in these kind of incidents will be considered to be lethal until proven otherwise.

"However, I have genuine concerns that when police officers armed with semi-automatic weapons are facing up to young people 'armed' with these so-called toy guns, there is always the potential for tragedy.

"Our officers are highly trained and highly responsible, but we all know that on the spur of the moment, mistakes can happen. If an officer feels that someone's life is being threatened, then a shot could be fired."

Mr Bagshaw asked shopkeepers who sell BB guns and other replica weapons to act responsibly and try to ensure they don't fall into the hands of youngsters.