A COMPUTER software design company has taken on extra office space in Richmond to house its expanding workforce.

Although it moved to the converted school in Zetland Square, Dundas Street, only six months ago, thecitysecret, which designs software for the equities divisions of some of the world's top investment banks, has already outgrown the site.

Expansion, which led to an increase in turnover from £200,000 to more than £675,000 in two years and a projected rise this year to more than £1m, prompted managers to take on an extra 1,300sq ft of space in the adjacent parish rooms.

The new accommodation will more than double the work area and provide meeting rooms with IT and video conference facilities.

Martin Worner, founder and director, said: "Since the company was launched four years ago with only two members of staff, we have moved from a small, first-floor office on the Market Place to our current premises in Dundas Street.

"Now the company has 17 employees and we anticipate taking on even more people in the near future. Leasing the additional space next door enables us to accommodate this expansion, while retaining our central location in the town."

The new accommodation, which should be ready later this year, forms the final part of the conversion by the Zetland Estate of a former church, hall, school and parish rooms for business and community use.

"Many people are amazed that we run this type of business from such a rural location and it is true that this type of activity is usually associated with the City and other big trading centres," said Mr Worner.

"We are proof that you can operate at these levels within the industry yet benefit from the quality of life associated with living and working in a place like Richmond."

Many of the staff gave up jobs in the city to live and work in Richmond.