THE second phase of a £315,000 project to develop a large green area in Darlington is due to start next week.

The stretch of land running the length of Holgate Moor is being transformed into a facility to benefit residents young and old.

The first stage, which saw £60,000 being spent on play equipment, including swings and a zip slide, has been completed.

The second phase, starting on Tuesday, will cost about £185,000 and will see new footpaths, fencing, seating and lighting being developed, as well as planting areas and a sensory garden for people with disabilities.

The project, called Holgate Moor Doorstep Green, is the result of more than two years of planning and fundraising by the Firthmoor Community Partnership Board.

Project manager Dave Preston hopes residents will support the contractors who will be working for 12 weeks.

He said: "When we were working on the first stage, the residents were very supportive, and we hope this will be the case the second time around to make sure the project is completed on time and within budget.

"The work aims to benefit the whole community.

"When we were planning the development, our focus was 'from the cradle to the grave'.

"We hope the green space will bridge the gap between young people and the elderly living in the area.

"We wanted to create a safe play area for young children and have seating and plants to create a peaceful space for the older residents too."

The work has received support from The Big Lottery Fund, Countryside Agency, Living Spaces Award, St Martin's Care Home, the Children's Fund, SRB6 from Government Office North East and the European Regional Development Fund.

About £70,000 will be put aside to maintain the area over the next ten years.

Mr Preston said: "When the project started, I think some of the residents were wary it could just attract gangs of teens.

"Now they have seen it taking shape, they are beginning to see how it will be a facility for all to enjoy."