A WOMAN who left a young mother blind in one eye after glassing her was jailed yesterday.

Nadia Gibany had to have a prosthetic eye fitted, following the incident at the Aruba club, in Redcar, east Cleveland, in October last year.

She had been enjoying a night out with work colleagues when Michelle Passmore, 22, shouted at her, pushed her onto the dancefloor, and then threw a pint glass at her face.

Teesside Crown Court heard Ms Gibany had been with colleague Chris Normanton at the bar when she was confronted by Passmore, who was on a night out with two of Mr Normanton's ex-girlfriends.

Alastair Campbell, prosecuting, said: "For some reason or another, the complainant was approached by the defendant and a verbal altercation took place between the two parties and the substance of which was related to Christopher Normanton.

"The complainant was keen to point out she had a boyfriend and a child and had no interest in Mr Normanton.

"The defendant pushed the complainant back, causing her to fall on the floor. The complainant got back up.

"She accepts she called the defendant a 'stupid cow'. Then, from about a metre away, the defendant threw a pint glass at the complainant, an action that had tragic consequences.

"The pint glass smashed into her face, a large chunk of glass protruded through her left eye."

The court heard Passmore, of Dorset Road, Guisborough, who pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm, had drunk six pints of cider during the night.

Peter Makepeace, for the defendant, said she was a caring and decent person of previous good character and had not intended to harm Ms Gibany.

He said: "This is an extremely tragic case. I would like to say on her behalf her deepest and sincerely-felt remorse of the consequences of her actions."

Judge George Moorhouse sentenced Passmore to 18 months imprisonment.

He said: "People must realise if they go out in the town centre and behave in this way they are going to lose their liberty."

Ms Gibany, of Thorntree, Middlesbrough, was visibly upset during the proceedings and left the court room straight after the sentence.