POLICE in Teesdale are organising a drugs awareness event following the death of a local teenager after a party last month.

The event arises from public concerns about drugs in the community following the death of John Winter, 15, of Barnard Castle.

John is believed to have died of hypothermia after leaving a party at Marwood Social Centre, near Kinninvie, to walk home.

Police believe both alcohol and drugs, including ecstasy and cannabis, were available at the party.

Two youths, aged 14 and 19, and a 25-year-old man were arrested on suspicion of drug offences after the party and have since been released on police bail.

Sergeant Bill Dutton said: "As a result of what happened at Kinninvie, we've had a lot of people coming into the office who are concerned about drugs and alcohol in the community. They felt as parents they don't have that much information about it.

"We got a call from Glaxo, as staff there were also concerned, and so we have arranged this drugs awareness event."

The event is being held at Glaxo Sports and Social Club in Barnard Castle on Thursday, May 12, at 7.30pm.

As well as stalls and information stands, there will also be drugs education nurses and a representative from the police drugs action team.

There will also be young people from peer group education teams who will be there to communicate with other youngsters.

The event will also look at alcohol and sports drugs such as steroids.

Sgt Dutton hopes the event will provide a truthful and informative evening about drugs.

He added: "Of course, there will be information about legislation and the penalties for taking and dealing drugs.

"But the main idea is to have honest information about drugs - why people take them and what risks there are.

"Also the precautions there are - if people choose to take drugs - to lessen the damage to yourself

"It really is for all ages, parents and young people. Pensioners can come along too and see about cannabis relieving joint pain, but also the risks that are there if they take it."