A DERWENTSIDE company is joining a scheme to help young people find out more about work.

The Explorer Group, in Consett, manufactures Elddis, Compass and Buccaneer caravans and motorhomes,

Eight managers will visit local schools to inspire and encourage students.

The Durham Business Ambassadors programme has been developed to raise awareness of careers available to young people.

Senior process manager Gary Jones said: "It is an excellent opportunity to provide students with a window into the world of work and present the range and diversity of careers options available to them.

"Young people need to understand that opportunities like this exist in their local community, and it is up to businesses to present those opportunities if they want a committed, loyal workforce in the future."

The managers will talk to students about the company, and show the careers available in manufacturing and give advice on interview techniques and job applications.

Sarah McAllister, from the Durham Education Business Partnership programme, said: "The managers will help to encourage pupils to see the relevance of the subjects they are studying and encourage them to continue with further training and education after leaving school."