A NORTH-EAST museum has organised traditional May Day celebrations for visitors.

Children from schools in the region will be dressed in period costumes to recreate a typical festival atmosphere in the Colliery Village at Beamish Open Air Museum, near Stanley, County Dur-ham.

Activities will begin at 11am on Sunday with processions, followed by a ceremony to crown the May king and queen, before maypole dancing displays.

Pupils from Esh Village Primary School, West Pelton Primary School and Guidepost Ringway First School, in Northumberland, have been practising for weeks to perfect the interwoven patterns for the dancing display.

On view from 10am to 4.30pm will be penny farthings, horse drawn carriages antiques motorcycles and a rare 1900 Humber quadricycle.

A newly-restored child-sized replica of a horse-drawn carriage, designed to be pulled by a goat in a harness, will also be on display.

Published: 29/04/2005