KOSOVAN business chiefs are turning to North Yorkshire to help rebuild their country's infrastructure in the wake of the war that left it devastated.

A high-ranking delegation has been in the county to learn more about the work of the trading standards department.

The visit was arranged by divisional trading standards officer Len Swift and Alan Packer, who formerly worked for the county council's education services department.

Mr Packer is currently working in Kosovo on a project for the European Agency for Reconstruction, which supports the Association of Kosovan Municipalities in rebuilding the country's infrastructure.

Delegates were able to view the work of the North Yorkshire officers and gain information which will be used to shape the future service in Kosovo.

The visitors were directors of business inspection, which is the closest thing to trading standards in Kosovo.

During their stay, they met with the county's corporate director of business and community services, Gordon Gresty, and discussed the strategic elements of providing good public services over such a large area as North Yorkshire.

Mr Packer said: "It has been a great privilege to return to Northallerton and study the professional services offered by the county council's trading standards service.

"The delegates are most grateful for this wonderful experience, and they have seen a vision of how public servants can provide an excellent service for people in the area."