Picture the scenario - your IT manager wants a new system that is quicker, better and sexier than the one you have.

Inside, you are yelling NO, and want the madness to stop, but he is so convinced this new technology will bring unbeatable value to your company because "it's the latest and greatest" to hit the market.

This year, the pressure is on IT managers more than ever, largely due to the implementation of corporate governance rules. Many will be arguing that compliance requires a complete overhaul of your current IT system.

But before you dig into the company coffers, take a minute to think about the situation - what real value can this new system bring to your company?

Aside from the cost implications, is there a genuine need?

Will it solve any existing problems you have? Are there any potential risks in making the switch?

And will it really make your business more compliant?

Exploring what is behind the request for a new system and analysing its pros and cons may well lead to a bit of headshaking and handwringing by your IT department, but rest assured, there is no point in throwing good money after bad on a system that may cause more problems than it solves.

Fine-tuning what you already have may be a better answer and at a fraction of the cost.

No company wants to make a £20,000 IT investment that ends up costing downtime, delays in customer delivery, loss of confidence in IT and, most importantly, extra cost to resolve the new issues.

Only by taking the time to find out what triggered the request and how it will impact on your customers, staff, processes and, most importantly, your bottom line, will you stop wasting resources, like so many companies who only stop to think about these issues once its too late.

Published: 10/05/2005