IT is a shocking statistic that one in every nine women in Britain will develop breast cancer, with 41,000 cases being diagnosed each year.

But as messages of goodwill pour in for Kylie Minogue from all over the world, it is important to focus on the fact that significant progress is being made in the fight against the most common form of cancer in this country.

It is a long, hard battle but it is being won.

Women such as Jacqui Herlingshaw, whose story appears on this page today, are living proof that breast cancer can be overcome with a combination of medical advances and a positive attitude.

And it also must not be forgotten that millions of ordinary people are enabling such progress to be made by raising vital funds to speed up research into more effective treatments.

In recent years, thousands of women here in the North-East have taken part in events such as the Race For Life to help to beat breast cancer.

With every mile they run and every pound they raise, the day comes closer when breast cancer can finally be defeated.

Kylie Minogue, one of the world's most famous women, faces a frightening time. But she will know all too well that her celebrity can be a powerful weapon in inspiring others and boosting the fight against breast cancer.

Our thoughts are with her, as they are with all other victims of the disease.