A FORMER factory worker from Derwentside has won a national award after turning his life around to train as a occupational therapist.

Robbie Mallows, 43, of Consett, is the National Adult Learners' Week Winner 2005 after beating off competition from more than 1,300 nominations.

After opting for redundancy at the age of 41, he returned to education on an adult access course at Derwentside College.

Mr Mallows excelled on the course and gained one of only 52 places to study occupational therapy out of 2,000 applicants at Northumbria University.

He said: "I had left school 27 years ago and had worked in a supermarket and then a factory.

"It was only when I received some physiotherapy, after I had had a sports injury, that I realised that it was the career I wanted.

"It was really daunting going back to education, but since then I've never looked back."

He is due to receive his award on Monday at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, in London.

Mr Mallows said: "Becoming a national award winner was both a great shock and a boost to the morale."