EFFORTS are to be made to prevent a teenage nuisance hanging around Consett bus station.

Officials want to ban 19-year-old Lee Peacock from the bus station after he admitted taking part in an assault there one evening last September.

Durham Crown Court heard that Peacock and a 17-year-old co-accused were seen on closed circuit television fleeing the station with a third youth after the incident.

The 17-year-old previously admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and possessing an offensive weapon, a lock knife.

Peacock appeared at Durham Crown Court on Monday, and admitted a charge of common assault arising from the same incident. Sentence was adjourned pending preparation of probation reports .

Judge Beatrice Bolton bailed Peacock, of Constance Street, Consett, to return for sentence with the co-accused on June 6, on condition that he keeps out of the bus station.

David Callan, prosecuting, said Peacock made a nuisance of himself in the bus station and the Crown invited the judge to consider making an anti-social behaviour order to address this."

Judge Bolton said: "An application to do so would need to be properly drafted, but I can't see why such an order can't be applied for."