PEOPLE in Howden-le-Wear with complaints about new wheelie bins are meeting council managers today.

Councillor David Quinn is one of several residents unhappy about the bins, which have been introduced throughout the Wear Valley District during the past few weeks.

He said: "I live in the middle of a terrace and the new wagons are far too big to get round the back,

"I don't see why I should have to push my bin 40 yards along the back lane because they want to collect them at the end.

"It will be more difficult for people in the winter. What happens if someone falls and hurts themselves? We are doing half the council's job for them."

Weardale residents have also contacted their councillor, John Shuttleworth, with complaints.

He said: "The system has not been properly thought through. Because a lot of the properties in Weardale are old and have steps or narrow openings, it is sometimes impossible for people to wheel their bins out for collection.

"They have put large communal bins in some places but they are too far from people's houses. This is not acceptable.

"A lot of people have problems. I don't see why there can't be some flexibility where there are special cases."

The meeting is at 4pm in Howden-le-Wear community centre.