A NORTH-EAST fire brigade yesterday confirmed the appointment of Britain's first female fire chief.

Susan Johnson is also the first non-uniformed head of a brigade in the country.

She will take over at County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority this month.

She replaces George Herbert, who is retiring after 31 years of service in North-East fire services.

A former chief executive of the Northern Business Forum, Ms Johnson has spent most of her career in marketing, but will have a team of senior fire officers to guide her in dealing with major incidents.

She will oversee a budget of more than £27m and 690 employees. She said: "At the heart of the fire and rescue service is the desire to protect and serve our local communities, providing them with a modern, professional and effective service that embraces change and meets the challenges of community safety in an increasingly complex and diverse world.

"I am looking forward to this challenge and making a real and lasting contribution to the fire and rescue service."

John Quigley, the chairman of County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority, said: "I am delighted to welcome Susan as the head of the service and to congratulate her as the first woman and non-uniformed appointment to lead a fire and rescue service in the UK.

"Susan's formidable business experience will provide invaluable expertise in this role."

In 1996, Ms Johnson was appointed chief executive of the Northern Business Forum, and to regional development agency Yorkshire Forward in 2000.

She was awarded an OBE for services to New Deal in the North-East in 2000.

She lives in Sunderland and has a daughter aged 28 and a son aged 15.