YOUNG people across Sedgefield borough could get their hands on cash being offered through a new grants scheme.

The Koolkash initiative is offering £150,000 to community and voluntary projects and clubs for five to 19-year-olds.

Windfalls of up to £2,000 will be donated to projects that promote healthy living, safety, lead to enjoyment and achievement, make a pos- itive contribution or support economic well-being.

The money can be used to buy new equipment, pay staff, send members on training courses, hold events or cover transport and venue costs.

Chairman of the initiative, Councillor John Robinson, said: "We want people in all of the towns and villages across Sedgefield borough to know about the scheme.

"I don't want to see any money left at the end of the year because I hope it will have gone to deserving causes."

A grants panel that will award the money includes six young people. It is appealing for more youngsters, particularly from the Fishburn and Trimdon area, to join the ranks.

A similar scheme, called the youth development fund, was started by Sedgefield Borough Council in 1995 and saw £270,000 shared between about 100 groups.

Those initial donations generated a further £1m of match funding from other grant agencies and reached more than 5,000 young people.

When the youth development fund was closed in April 2002 there was still £30,000 in the coffers. That money has been boosted by £100,000 from Sedgefield Borough Council and £20,000 from County Durham's Children's Fund. The project was re-launched as Koolkash, at Locomotion: The National Railway Musuem, at Shildon on Monday.

Joanne King, council leisure project officer, said: "The youth development fund supported a lot of youth schemes in its seven years, which are still feeling the benefit. Some have grown or survived because of that cash injection. We think we have reinvigorated that with Koolkash.

"It should boost leisure time, social education and life skills of children and young people in the Sedgefield borough, providing new facilities and equal opportunities."

For more details about the scheme, contact Ms King on (01388) 816166.