ANIMAL lovers say they have been sickened by a series of grisly discoveries at a nature reserve.

Managers at the Hylton Dene Nature Reserve in Sunderland have been horrified by the recent finds of a drowned puppy, a decapitated mallard and a moorhen which had been shot dead.

Durham Wildlife Trust is now urging residents to keep an eye out for suspicious behaviour in the area.

The discoveries were made by a team from EDF Energy, who were helping the trust to clear rubbish from the ponds.

The dog, a young puppy, was pulled from the pond in a weighted plastic bag and the duck found by a local angler just a few yards away.

Maurice Bates, project officer for the dene, said: "The finding of the mallard and the shot moorhen are acts of an individual or individuals who portray a callous nature and have no respect for wildlife whatsoever.

"Furthermore, to find a drowned puppy in a weighted plastic bag is beyond belief and shows a disregard for life in general.

"My volunteers for the day were adults from EDF Energy, but it could have been a school group and what would have been the effect of this find on a group of primary school children? I find this whole episode unbelievable and personally sickening."

The matter has been reported to the police, who are investigating.

Anyone who notices any suspicious behaviour is asked to ring police on 0191-4547555, ext 66362.