A PENSIONER accused of a string of sexual assault charges dating back two decades has been cleared.

Brian Leslie Paylor was standing trial at Teesside Crown Court accused of rape, attempted rape, and two indecent assaults, which he denied.

It was the second trial into the accusations after a jury in January failed to reach a verdict on all four counts.

At yesterday's hearing the jury retired to consider its verdict but, after deliberating for more than four hours, the foreman said they were unable to reach a verdict on any of the counts.

Judge Peter Armstrong asked the jury if they were given more time to deliberate whether they would be able to agree a verdict on any of the charges. The foreman replied no.

In light of this, Dan Cordey, prosecuting, said: "The crown does not view it as being in the interests of justice to pursue another trial with there already being two trials where the jury has failed to reach a verdict. We offer no evidence in respect of the counts."

Judge Armstrong told Mr Paylor, 66, of Thorntree Gardens, Middleton St George, near Darlington, not guilty verdicts would be recorded on all four counts and he was free to leave the court.