A PEACE-KEEPING group is to be formed in Barnard Castle in an attempt to solve the problem of travellers who set up camp on their way to Appleby Horse Fair.

The group will involve two members of Teesdale District Council, Ken Coates and Newton Wood, who will invite local residents and travellers' representatives to join them.

The aim is to end the disruption which occurs around this time each year when travellers use the Demesnes as a stopping point on their way to next weekend's fair.

Coun Coates said: "We can't go on having trouble every year. We'll listen to all the views and try to find a solution in time for next summer."

Although Teesdale Council has an agreed amnesty with travellers during the Appleby period, they arrived early this year, resulting in a flood of complaints. More than 80 residents signed a petition saying the travellers had caused a nuisance with their anti-social behaviour.

Coun Wood said the main problem would be where the travellers would go if they stopped them using the Demesnes.

"What if they moved to the main car park, or the cobbles?" he asked.

He said the group would look at all the facts, gather opinions and try to find a way to improve matters.

Mark Ladyman, Teesdale Council's director of community services, will be invited to join the group, as will Scott McInally, the county council's travellers' liaison officer.