TAXI fares in Darlington may increase after an appeal from taxi drivers in the town.

Darlington Borough Council has received a letter from a taxi driver asking for an increase in hackney carriage fares.

Local authorities can fix rates and fares within their area, and Darlington has not increased its fees for hackney carriages since November 2000.

Since then, there has been a significant increase in the cost of fuel, insurance and other costs.

In a report, which goes before the council's cabinet on Tuesday, council officers are recommending that fares should increase between 12p and 20p per mile, depending on the time of travel.

The council has already consulted taxi drivers in the town and has received 17 replies, four of which were against an increase.

Councillors at the meeting will also discuss an appeal from taxi drivers in Darlington not to increase the fees for their various licences.

The council has received 45 objection letters and two further letters from cabbies who had signed petitions against the licence fees increase - which were agreed by the cabinet in February.

The report, which goes before cabinet next week, recommends the fees be increased.