AN exhibition of mining memories takes place in a former pit village next week.

Residents of Langley Park have joined forces with Silksworth Mining Society to create the exhibition of photographs and memorabilia of mining and Langley Park Colliery in particular.

The event has been organised by Langley Park Community Association and will be held at the Church Street Institute, from 10am to 5pm, next Thursday.

Many of the photographs have been loaned by former miners who earned their living at the pit.

Schoolchildren will be able to get a taste of life working underground by putting on helmets, knee pads, and a deputy's stick to test the roof and carrying a miner's lamp into a home-made seam, made by members of the Langley Park Kraft Klub where they will be able to dig for coal.

There will also be a visit by Scooby - a Shetland pony - to show the size of the pit ponies working in the mine.

The highlight will be the collection of photographs of the pit displayed for the first time together, some dating back to the early days of the mine, which was sunk in 1874.

George Chapman, now retired, but once fire and safety officer at Langley Park Colliery, said: "I think it will be a real experience.

"It will evoke memories in the minds of miners and their families, and the children will be able to learn a little of the heritage of the village."

For further information, contact association secretary Alison Spenceley on 0191-373 1836.