THE latest phase of a campaign highlighting domestic abuse is turning the spotlight on the men who suffer.

Hambleton Community Safety Partnership launched its Don't Suffer in Silence campaign earlier this year.

St Valentine's Day and Mother's Day have previously been used to promote certain aspects of the initiative, and this time they are using Father's Day, on Sunday.

The partnership points out that hundreds of people suffer at the hands of their loved ones every day - and psychological abuse can be as damaging as physical abuse.

They say that men are often forgotten - even though statistics show that one in six men have lived with or are living with domestic abuse.

As dads across the district celebrate Father's Day, striking posters bearing the words, "Who's hurting now?", will be appearing on notice boards.

Last year in Hambleton, there were 355 reported incidents of domestic abuse - 120 more than in 2002 - and of those, 160 were repeat attacks.

But community safety officers say there are many more who live with violence every day, but never report it.

Campaign co-ordinator Catherine McNaughton said: "They accept this as a way of life - often, they are too afraid of the consequences to come forward and report it.

"But we are here to help; no one should have to live in a home of fear. No one has the right to abuse another person, regardless of who they are - partner, parent or child."

Special helplines are available for men:

Mankind Initiative 0114 263 1714

Broken Rainbow 07812 644914

Family Help and Refuge (01325) 364486

National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247

Male Advice Line 0845 064 6800