COUNCIL tenants in Teesdale are going to be balloted on whether they want their homes transferred to a housing association.

Consultation on the proposal has been completed and the majority of tenants are in favour of the transfer of almost 900 houses.

If the move goes ahead, the council would transfer its houses to Teesdale Housing Association, which will work with Endeavour Housing Association as North Star Housing Group.

The housing association would be able to access funds unavailable to the council to bring the homes up to National Homes Standard.

Documents were sent to counciltenants detailing the proposal and asking for their views.

Each tenant was also visited by council staff.

Thirteen of the consultation documents were returned, 11 of these were in favour of the transfer, one against and one undecided.

The council's planning policy officer, Danny Micalowicz, said there were no concerns about the low level of response.

He said: "I think we sent out that much quality information that people are quite happy with the process."

Council staff spoke to 746 households about the transfer and 89.9 per cent were in favour of the transfer.

In order for the transfer to take place, the council has to demonstrate to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister that the majority of tenants are in favour.

Yesterday, the council agreed to ballot residents.

Council chairman, councillor Madeleine Walton, said: "A lot of work has gone to getting to the stage where we are.

"We're very grateful for everyone's input and knowledge of the issues."