YOUNG artists have been busy using animation, videos and photography to create their own exhibition.

The work, which is on show at the Impressions Gallery in York, celebrates the last two years of a project called Fluid. It invited 11 to 18-year-olds to get involved in York's arts scene by working with galleries, theatres, musicians and DJs.

The new exhibition features a mural with life-size portrait photographs of the ten young people who have put it together. The mural incorporates graffiti-style text about their interests and favourite things.

Griselda Goldsbrough, assistant curator for arts learning at York Museums Trust, said: "It's great to see the exhibition coming together. We're really looking forward to the group seeing the final results of their work."

The exhibition, called Caution: Young Artists at Work, opens on Saturday and runs until August 20.

Published: 23/06/2005