Annfield Plain WI: THE president Genia Collin welcomed members to the June meeting.

The secretary Miss Ellwood dealt with correspondence and Mavis Crawford, the new treasurer, gave the financial report. Ruth Bates, the retiring treasurer, was presented with a gift in appreciation of all her hard work.

The Golden Thread, a funny poem entitled Family Tea, was read by Mary Kirk and the Item of Interest came from Mary McKee, who gave an interesting account of the Tall Ships coming to the River Tyne this week.

Mavis Crawford reported on her visit as link delegate to the annual general meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

The visit to the Lavender Fields in August was discussed and suggestions made for the Christmas lunch in December.

The speakers were Aileen and Dillon from Peter's Bakery. Members were given an entertaining presentation about the history of the family business, the great effort given by all of the staff after the disastrous fire and also enjoyed sampling their wonderful products.

The competition, an old family photograph, was won by Miss Ellwood and the mystery raffle by Mary Kirk. An enjoyable evening ended with tea and biscuits served by Noreen Breen and Mary McKee.

Castleside WI: THE president, Janet Nelson, opened the meeting.

After the business was dealt with Mrs Nelson welcomed the guest speaker Mrs Tock, who gave a talk on her embroidery and showed samples of her beautiful work.

The competition for a lace edged hanky was very well supported and was judged by Mrs Tock. Agnes Chapman won the mystery prize given by Helen Steptoe.

Final arrangements were made for the half-day outing and members voted for the Lake District as the venue for a full day outing in August.

The next meeting will be a strawberry buffet supper night on July 13. Visitors are always welcome.

East Stanley WI: THE president, Anne Stayman welcomed members and Freda Weatherspoon, the county advisor, to the 56th annual general meeting.

Una Swan was thanked for the flowers, which were given to Betty Drake and Hazel Rainbow. Hilda Burnett gave the theme.

Everyone had enjoyed the outing to Harrogate and Knaresborough. It was decided by members to go to Scarborough for the annual outing.

The raffle was won by Hilda Burnett, and the special raffle by Betty Drake.

The competition, a royal cup and saucer or pot, was won by Phoebe Wilkinson, with Lily Middleton second.

The AGM began with reports from the assistant treasurer, secretary and president. The retiring committee was thanked by Mary Mosse.

Mrs. Weatherspoon, gave a talk on the various aspects of the WI and presented the yearly trophies to recipients.

The winners were: Darts knockout - Audrey Wallace, second Olga Hodgson. Darts league - Audrey Wallace, second Olga Hodgson, third Phoebe Wilkinson, fourth Betty Drake, who also achieved the highest score.

The annual competition trophy winner was Peggy Begg with a tie for second place between Anne Stayman and Audrey Wallace.

The committee were all re-elected and the outgoing president was also re-elected for the coming year. The next meeting will be held on July 11.

South Moor WI: THE president Joyce Wright welcomed members and the speaker to the June meeting. A reading, Friendship, was given by Dora Moore.

In the absence of the secretary, who was on holiday, Vera Soulsby read the minutes and correspondence. June George gave the financial report. The raffle donated by Marion Green was won by Joyce Wright. The speaker Ann Carr gave an interesting and informative talk on her holiday in New Zealand and was thanked by June George.

Vera Soulsby read her memorabilia of South Moor. A welcome cup of tea and refreshments were served. The rest of the evening was spent planning a programme of speakers and competitions for 2006.

Satley WI: MRS Plews presided at the meeting.

The speaker was Kathryn Hodgson from Elegant Hat Hire of Eastgate, assisted by her sister Valerie Cairns. They brought along a wide selection of hats in many styles and colours and told how they had supplied hats to Buckingham Palace and Royal Ascot.

Members were then given the chance to try the hats on. Mrs Plews thanked Kathryn and Valerie for the evening.

Following refreshments, the business part of the meeting took place.

An evening walk was arranged to start at 6pm from Holme Park Hotel on June 27. Members voted to go to the seaside for their mystery trip on August 8. Names are needed by July 11 meeting.

Mrs Plews asked for more contributions for the car boot sale on July 16 at Witton-le-Wear. Mrs Scott then gave an interesting report from the AGM in London where the resolutions were passed unanimously.

The competition for a home made hat was won by Mrs Bell, second was Mrs Portwood and third was Mrs Thompson. The raffle was won by Mrs Gill, with Mrs B Bell, second.

Miss Watson will speak on Victorian jewellery at the next meeting.