A DURHAM family's mercy mission to Albania could transform the lives of some deprived orphans.

For vans being used to transport vital supplies to the beleaguered youngsters are to be given to the orphans to help them set up a business of their own.

The idea all started when George Gibbins, who owns and runs the Olympia garage business in Langley Moor, was asked about van hire from his son Stephen, who is planning the trip to Albania. Stephen, who is working in Scotland, was told by his dad he had no need to hire a vehicle as he had a van at his garage which he would have fully repaired.

The idea snowballed when Mr Gibbins persuaded suppliers to provide the parts for the van.

Everything from a clutch to wheels were donated as George and his staff completed all the mechanical work without charge. Hooked on helping his son's mission he then organised a series of raffles with prizes including free servicing and MoT tests at his garage.

But with donated supplies coming in thick and fast George decided that he should try and get a second van .

He has been offered one from Durham Constabulary at a knock-down price and is now trying to raise a further £2,000 to fund the additional vehicle.

The idea is that once the essential supplies that Stephen and another driver will take to Albania are delivered, at the end of their trip they will donate the vans to the orphanage.

George said: "These really are the most deprived children you can imagine. Among them there are a few lads who are old enough to drive and we thought the vans would help them earn a living as well as helping the others at the orphanage."

Also on George's shopping list is a water boiler and a washing machine.

If anyone can help with these items or with money to help buy the second van they are asked to contact him on (0191) 378 1276.