A CAMPAIGN has been launched to stop the closure of benefits offices across the region and save thousands of jobs.

The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) has not ruled out taking strike action.

The Department of Works and Pensions (DWP) wants to close rural offices and open three super processing centres in Newcastle, Sunderland and Stockton.

In the North-East, the department has 14,000 workers and unions fear thousands of jobs will be cut ahead of the 2008 deadline.

PCS regional secretary Brian Morrison said: "This would have a dramatic effect on local communities.

"Civil servants are the backbone of the country in the service they provide.

"People want to have a friendly service, not make a faceless phone call to a centre miles away."

A public meeting was held in Stanley on Tuesday to drum up support for the campaign.

The union plans to hold more meetings around the region and to design leaflets to raise awareness.

The union predicts almost 1,300 jobs will be affected in the benefits processing section of the DWP.

The department is also planning to stop processing pensions at the Stockton pension Centre at Tees Buildings.

The Public and Commercial Services Union said the move would cut a further 300 jobs.