TOTS at a Darlington nursery have been learning about the importance of road safety.

All the 68 children, from just six months old to four years old, at Ferndene Nursery, in Elton Parade, took part in a Travelling Is Terrific project.

The toddlers made road signs, traffic lights, aeroplanes, trains and buses out of cardboard boxes.

While the babies had their pushchairs decorated with Postman Pat vans.

The project came to an end yesterday when the children took their models and walked around the block, returning to the nursery for a picnic with nursery helpers, parents and grandparents.

Nursery manager Lynda Jones said: "The staff got their heads together for the project and we thought the road safety message was an important one to get across.

"As well as the walk and picnic, we arranged for the local lollipop man to visit the children. The project has been very exciting for all of the youngsters and they have thoroughly enjoyed it."

During the picnic, a collection was held in aid of Great North Air Ambulance. The nursery hoped to raise at least £100.