YORKSHIRE Water is hoping to spend nearly £100,000 over the year to improve access to its land.

The money is being spent in the Washburn Valley, west of Harrogate, on a number of schemes designed to make it easier to enjoy the scenery that has earned Nidderdale formal recognition as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Already, a £3,000 grant from the AONB has been spent on a project to encourage more wildlife to settle on the shores of the reservoirs that run from Thruscross to Lindley Wood.

The first phase of a project to improve paths around Thruscross is complete, with a second phase due to start this summer.

Other projects planned include better car park surfaces and footpath improvements at Fewston and Swinsty reservoirs.

Yorkshire Water's recreation manager, Bob Baxter, said that the work at Swinsty was being carried out to make paths easier for people with special needs. The needs of anglers would also be taken into account.

However, Mr Baxter said some the reservoirs were being spoiled by anti-social behaviour.

He added: "Branches of trees have been used for firewood, stones have been removed from drystone walls and wildlife disturbed by fireworks.

"We are investing significant amounts of money on projects, which we hope will enhance the public's enjoyment of our land and reservoirs, so it would be a shame if they are spoiled by a thoughtless minority."

Anyone who witnesses irresponsible behaviour at the sites is asked to call 0845 1242424.