CHARITIES and community groups are celebrating cash windfalls after a town mayor shared out the proceeds of his annual fundraising appeal.

Former Sedgefield town mayor Jim Wayman raised £6,249.28 during his term in office with fundraising events, which this year included a junior fun run at Sedgefield Racecourse. On Friday, he donated the money to The Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust, the Great North Air Ambulance and young people in the village.

Youth groups that shared a slice of the cash included the Sedgefield Players' youth section, Sedgefield Cricket Club, Guides, Brownies, Rainbows, Scouts and Cubs.

Councillor Wayman said: "Last year was a very exciting year for my wife Mavis and I. I didn't set out to be a fundraiser I just wanted to do a good job representing Sedgefield.

"But the total amount raised is wonderful and down to a lot of people working very hard and the support of local people."