DURHAM Business School is launching two business-focused MA programmes this autumn.

Managers can enrol for a one-year, full-time MA in marketing and in enterprise management.

Designed to meet the needs of middle and senior managers from medium-sized enterprises, the enterprise management course is 27 months long.

Extra flexibility is built into the programme as managers can return to the school at any time within five years to study from certificate level to a diploma and then a masters.

Dr Bill Snaith said: "We are already delivering the MA overseas and know we have a winning model.

"We have drawn upon extensive experience working with medium-sized businesses to create a truly flexible programme, enabling managers to apply practical experiences back in the workplace, rather than simply learning theory."

Unlike many MA courses, students are not required to complete a major dissertation, which is replaced by a work-based project.

For further details, contact Chris Cumming on 0191-334 5537.