Chester-le-Street TG: DOREEN Yeates welcomed members and guests to the first June meeting and introduced Les and Viv Howe, who gave a presentation on Celtic jewellery.

Future outings were discussed and Edna Stokoe gave the secretarial report and Irene McCarthy presented the financial report.

The winner of the competition for the piece of Celtic jewellery was Margaret Wood with Jean Boggin and Anne Lambert runners up.

Federation day was reported as a success and Alice Lord and Pearl Reay were thanked for making the guild's winning banner on Federation Day.

Other successes were Dorothy Lowery, knitting; Alice Lord, photography and Diane Gibb, sweet making.

The guild again won the shield for the most new members.

After an enjoyable outing to Skipton, and some members had attended the National Council Meting in Cardiff.

The social meeting in June was a visit to Dobbies Garden Centre where there was a demonstration on hanging baskets.

On this occasion the group was joined by members of the Hermitage Guild.