A LIFETIME of service to the Church has been recognised by a Papal award for a North Yorkshire octogenarian.

Dennis Selina, the organist at St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Pickering, has been presented with the Benemerenti - meaning "to the well deserving."

The award is granted by the Pope to people who are recognised as being outstanding servants of the Church.

Parish priest Father Bill East said: "Now 83, Dennis has been a faithful servant of the Church all his life, and involved in the music ministry from the age of 14.

"He still serves as organist at St Joseph’s where I hope he will continue for years to come."

Mr Selina spent most of his working life as an aerospace engineer, draughtsman and designer and served at various churches before moving to Pickering in 1976.

Fr East added: "More than an organist, Dennis works tirelessly with cantors and singers, encouraging young organists and achieving an excellent standard of music at St Joseph’s.

"As well as this, he sings in the Middlesbrough Diocesan Choir, taking part in major liturgical occasions at the cathedral and elsewhere.

"Besides his work in music ministry, Dennis is always foremost when there is any parish work to be done, from church cleaning to publicising fêtes."

Mr Selina said: "I was quite taken aback but very delighted to receive the award. I have always enjoyed organ playing and I hope to continue to do so for quite a while yet."