AN OLYMPIC silver medalist visited a pupils at a school in North Yorkshire as a reward for winning a competition about healthy eating.

Leon Taylor, a silver medalist at the 2004 Athens Olympics in the 10m synchronised diving, visited Terrington Primary School, near Malton, and took a PE lesson, encouraging pupils to warm up and cool down properly.

He also joined some of the children for lunch and talked to them about the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices.

The competition that brought Mr Taylor to the school was won by pupil Lara Simpson, who completed a quiz about healthy school lunches by using the My School Lunch website, launched by North Yorkshire County Caterers.

Mr Taylor now works as a mentor to the British Diving Team and will commentate on the World Diving Championships, which take place in Rome, next month.

Mr Taylor said: "I believe it’s important to learn about healthy eating and exercise from as young as possible. "The choices we make now can affect us for the future and this isn’t just in sport. I talked to the pupils about my own experiences, from winning an Olympic medal to the hard times I faced during injury."