AN AMATEUR cyclist has started a 1,000 mile charity bike ride that will take him across much of Europe.

Eric Waters, 59, from Harrogate, set off from Lake Maggione in Italy on a route that will take him across the Italian Alps and along the entire length of the Rhine, from its source to Rotterdam.

He is hoping his solo ride will raise more than £7,500 for Neema Crafts, a project that supports local workers in Tanzania.

Only three days into his ride Mr Waters inadvertently caused some local excitement by becoming the first cyclist to reach the 6,900ft summit of the St Gotthard pass this year, following its official opening only an hour earlier after being closed all winter because of snow.

He was met at the summit by the local press and marked his achievement by giving an interview to the local paper, the Luzerne Zeitung.

Mr Waters hopes to reach home in three weeks time via a ferry from Rotterdam to Hull.