EXTRA help is on the way for the thousands of people across North Yorkshire who act as carers.

It is estimated there are some 57,000 around the county who look after a relative, neighbour or friend.

And over the next two years they could benefit from more than 2,000 places in special training courses.

The county is one of only 25 areas in the UK which have been selected to take part in the Government’s Caring with Confidence programme - and is one of the first to start the training.

The programme is part of the New Deal for Carers and has been designed to help carers make a difference to their own lives as well as that of the person they care for.

They will have the chance to take part in seven three-hour group sessions to build on their strengths and share their experiences. They will also be able together information and ideas about caring.

The carers also have the choice of how they develop their skills - by taking part in one of the free sessions, using study books or by on-line sessions.

The New Deal for Carers is a national initiative aimed at improving support for carers.

The idea is to enhance the training already available and help to provide learning opportunities where there is currently little available. It is not designed to replace the existing provision.

The group sessions will be held as locally as possible and funding is being made available to provide alternative assistance for those who are being cared for while their carers take part.

The various Carers’ Resource groups across the county are working together on the scheme which is now being rolled out across North Yorkshire.

Spokesman Anna Jackson said: "We have just got the programme up and running here in North Yorkshire so it is early days yet - but it is a rolling programme that will go on for the next two years.

"Carers do need support. Around one in eight people act as carers - and more people become carers every day."

For more details about courses in North Yorkshire contact carers’ resource on 01423-500555 or email cwc@carersresource.org For further information about the programme visit www.caringwithconfidence.net