A SCIENCE technician who died last year has been honoured with the naming of a new lab in his memory.

The new science lab at East Durham College’s Peterlee Campus was officially named yesterday as The Jeff Bestford Lab.

Mr Bestford had been employed at East Durham College for over 25 years when he died.

A small ceremony was attended by his wife Beryl and children Paul, Jonathan and Sharron, who unveiled a plaque naming the lab.

Mrs Bestford said: "I am immensely proud and I’m sure Jeff will be looking down feeling the same and with a big smile. Thank you."

Mr Bestford grew up in Shotton and lived with his family in Peterlee.

Assistant principal, Fred Harrison said: "Jeff’s work in the Science Department made a tremendous difference to students and staff alike, I’m really pleased future students will always know his name.

"We all dearly miss him."

Science colleague Lorraine Knight said: "During his time at the college Jeff became known for his kindness, consideration and great sense of fun.

"His knowledge and skills in science and computing were essential to the efficient running of the department."

Jimmy Pickett, also a colleague and close friend, said: "Jeff Bestford was a great guy, I first met him back at start of term September 1984. We worked together as Science Technicians at the old Howletch site of the college.

"We really enjoyed working together setting up experiments for all the science staff. It was a very sad day when Fred Harrison phoned me up with the news of Jeff’s passing."