ENTREPRENEURS competing in the final of a business challenge rubbed shoulders with some of their famous counterparts.

The two finalists in The Northern Echo’s If We Can You Can Challenge, were guests at last week’s Entrepreneurs’ Forum conference.

Claire Mitchell, co-owner of Aston Mitchell, an online men’s make-up retail business, based near Barnard Castle, County Durham, and Esther Dingley, from Durham, who came up with Post- Grad Room – a recruitment and training agency that gives postgraduates the ability to showcase their additional skills over other graduate jobseekers, were invited to attend the event at the Gateshead Newcastle Hilton hotel, in recognition of their achievements of reaching the final stage of the competition.

Speakers at the Inspired6 event – so named because the conference held at the Hilton is in its sixth year – included former Dragons’ Den panelist Richard Farleigh, Scottish entrepreneur of the year and chief executive of Finsbury Food Group, Martin Lightbody, and Julie Meyer, chief executive of Ariadne Capital and founder of First Tuesday.

More than 300 forum members and guests attended the event and shared business advice.

As well as listening to the key speakers, the finalists had the opportunity to mix with the North- East’s business community, gaining entrepreneurial insights, tips and inspiration.

Ms Mitchell said: “I’ve never been to anything like this before. It’s been a really impressive day.

“It so nice to come to an event and have the opportunity to meet such different types of people, all of whom are in the same boat as me.

“The challenge should open some exciting doors for me and I intend on getting contacts to help me drive forward my business.”

Carole Beverley, chief executive of the Entrepreneurs’ Forum, said: “We were delighted the finalists could attend the conference. Not only is this event a celebration of the North-East’s entrepreneurial endeavours, it also captures the essence of what If We Can, You Can stands for – to nurture budding talent with peer-to-peer support and invaluable guidance.

“The finalists are representative of the rising talent which is coming through in our region, and I’m sure that everybody will have taken something away from the event that will help grow and progress their business.”

The challenge winner will be announced on June 11, and as well as becoming a face of entrepreneurship, he or she will get a “Money Can’t Buy” mentoring surgery, £5,000 worth of business services and a business gadget.

With just over three weeks of voting left, readers of The Northern Echo can choose their favourite entrepreneur by telephone, text and email, with more than 1,000 votes received so far.

Readers can cast their vote by either texting ‘necho’ followed by a space and the full name of the selected finalists to 07624 803 199; or by emailing Northern Echo to voting@entrepreneursforum.net with the full name of their chosen winner.

The public vote will then be combined with the judges’ scores to determine the overall winner.

Further information on how to vote and the finalists can be found at ifwecanyoucan.co.uk/challenge