A CHARITY that helps disabled youngsters take up mainstream leisure activities with support from able-bodied helpers could fold because of funding problems.

Integrating Children, which is based in Chester-le-Street Youth Centre and has been operating for eight years, currently helps 96 five to 19-year-olds from the Durham and Chester-le-Street area.

With the help of paid or volunteer helpers, the people it serves can take part in individual or group activities such as bowling, drama, Girl Guides, after school, at weekends and during holidays.

Its main funding comes from the Big Lottery Fund but another major funder, Children in Need, is looking to reduce its support.

And a £10,464 service level agreement with Durham County Council has also ended, adding to the charity’s financial uncertainty.

Project manager Janet Howarth said Children in Need (CIN) wanted the charity to "decrease its dependency’’ on its funding and get more backing from the council and NHS.

"I understand what CIN are saying because there are lots of projects out there chasing the same pots of money.’’ Durham County Council had recommended that Integrating Children not renew the service level agreement as officials would work with the charity "on a more appropriate level of tendering" but no new deal had been forthcoming.

"We need to find alternative funding or we will close. Potentially that could happen in August,’’ said Mrs Howarth "CIN want us to report back to them by June 1 so they can put it to their committee. If CIN said yes the money would come in August.’’ She added that closure "will have a devastating affect on the kids.’’ A council spokeswoman said the contract with the charity ended in March and there had been discussions prior to its termination .

"It was agreed at the last meeting that the contract would come to a natural end and they would no longer provide those services for us.

"We have made them aware of further opportunities that may be coming up in the future.

"It does not mean that there is a gap for those families. In fact there will be more services coming up that we will be announcing shortly.’’