A CHESTER-le-Street school’s breakfast club has been honoured in awards run by a breakfast cereal firm and an educational charity.

Bullion Lane Primary School’s Big Family Breakfast was a winner in the National Breakfast Club Plus Awards, which celebrate the unsung heroes who help thousands of children across the country get the best possible start to their day.

A panel of judges, which included Blue Peter presenter Helen Skelton, selected Bullion Lane as a highly commended club in the healthy lifestyle category of the awards, run by Kellogg’s and ContinYou.

The judges were looking for clubs that demonstrate excellence in health and nutrition, community involvement as well as those clubs that offer extra learning activities for the children.

School head Marian Walker said: "We are delighted our efforts have been rewarded in this way. We see the Big Family Breakfast as a very important part of community cohesion and health education."

Bruce Learner , Kellogg’s Community and Social Responsibility Manager, said: "Loved by both pupils and parents alike, the club offers both a nutritious breakfast and an opportunity for families to share this time together in school."

Tony Apicella, National Programme Director from ContinYou, said: "The benefits of a welcoming environment into which a wide range of engagement activities can be fed has clear added value to any school and. Bullion Lane Primary School is a great example for others in the country to follow."