Total disaster on this morning's Headline Game on TFM.

I was sitting pretty at 1-0 up and feeling confident going into Wednesday.

This morning's game was about a North Yorkshire farmer who is negotiating a deal to supply wild rabbit to his local fish and chip shop.

The idea is to have deep-fried rabbit as an alternative to chicken nuggets.

Our headline was the brilliantly inventive "Waterchip down" but the point went to TFM's Amy McConnell for "Waiter, waiter, there's a hair on my chips".

(This is despite the fact that you don't get many waiters in fish and chip shops).

After the result had been declared, I thought I'd finished my bit on the radio so I went quiet while presenter Graham Mack rabbited on.

When he shut up there was a long pause so I thought we were off-air - but we weren't.

He interpreted my silence as "sulking" and docked me a point for allegedly having a bad attitude.

I'm two down on the week.