Little BIG Planet Little big planet is one of the most colorful, inventive and imaginative games on the market. You have the option to play story mode levels, Community levels (created by online users and only available online) or make your own levels. Story mode takes you through a beautiful selection of color filled levels all the way from the gardens (area 1) to the arctic (area 8). The Idea is sackboy (your character) travels across a mini world of material.

Online mode lets you explore levels made by other users and other people can play your levels too. Once you have completed an online level you can leave a rating and a comment (nothing offensive) plus you can collect rewards to help create your own level. Also the online store lets you buy alternate costumes or items to improve your level.

Create mode is the real unique feature of the game, you can make strange contraptions or a beautiful fairy tale landscape let your imagination run wild and share it with the world.

Like I say little big planet is in my opinion the friendliest, most creative and unique game I’ve ever played.

By Gabriel Barker.