STUDENTS are getting on-line much easier - thanks to a £100,000 school investment programme.

Northallerton College - currently celebrating its centenary year - has taken delivery of its latest IT hardware, increasing the number of computers available to more than 500.

The move is part of the latest phase of the specialist technology college’s site development and ongoing investment plans.

Business studies teacher Roy Hannah said: "The new computers have made a massive difference to the way our students can access information during lesson times.

"Previously we had one computer for a class of 26 pupils so small research tasks which required internet access were virtually impossible.

"The new hardware gives the opportunity of much more flexibility within lessons and gives students extra availability to complete course work."

A-level business student Graham Caygill, 18, of Northallerton, added: "Having access to a number of computer terminals within the business centre has made the room much more multi-functional.

"Before I would have to try and access alternative resource rooms which would waste valuable time. Now I can study and do my research all in the one space."