HUNDREDS of cyclists from around the region will be converging on North Yorkshire next weekend.

They will be heading for the picturesque village of Coxwold, for their 83rd annual Service of Remembrance at St. Michael’s Church.

The service will get underway at 1.30pm on Sunday, May 10, and the small, 14th-century church will be filled with a sea of multicoloured jerseys.

Cyclists will also act as bellringers, sidesmen, offertory collectors, lesson readers, choristers and organist.

The service will be led by the area’s curate, the Reverend Nigel Chapman, and the guest preacher will be the Rev Canon Jeremy Fletcher, Precentor of York Minster.

Local residents and visitors to the area are welcome to join in.

Refreshments will be on sale in Coxwold village hall from 11am and after the service.