Health chiefs are issuing information to health care professionals and the public about minimising the spread of infection during the swine flu alert.

Posters have been produced and are being distributed to front line health and social care staff on the following subjects: * How to wash hands properly so they are hygienically clean * Advice on using a tissue to catch coughs and sneezes and making sure they are binned straight away * How health care staff can safely put on, remove and dispose of personal protective equipment (such as face masks, aprons and goggles) Dr Phil Kirby, Associate Director of Public Health and lead clinician for health protection at NHS North Yorkshire and York, said: “Simple practices such as thoroughly washing your hands especially after coughing and sneezing can be very effective in minimising the spread of infection. This is vital in the current situation where we are trying to minimise the effects of a potential flu pandemic.

“Those who come into contact with patients or vulnerable people should take extra care at this time as these are the people most at risk from new strains of flu which could prove very harmful to them.

“Everyone can do their bit to limit the spread of infection – most of it is common sense and only takes a few seconds.”

What measures can be taken against infection?

General infection control practices and good hand hygiene can help to reduce transmission of all viruses, including swine influenza. This includes:  Covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, using a tissue when possible  Disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully  Wash hands frequently with soap and water to reduce the spread of the virus from your hands to face or to other people  Cleaning surfaces (such as door handles, telephone handsets, keyboards) frequently using a normal cleaning product  Making sure those with children follow this advice For more information about swine flu and to access all the infection control resources available from NHS North Yorkshire and York, visit National Public Health Campaign launched by the Department of Health A mass public health campaign began this week with TV, print and radio adverts warning people about swine flu with the simple message: CATCH IT. BIN IT. KILL IT.

The Department of Health has also launched the Swine Flu Information Line with regular updates and advice. Call 0800 15 13 513.