THOUSANDS of people have joined an online campaign to back a North-East race track in its dispute with residents over noise levels.

Meanwhile, the local ward councillor has leapt to the defence of villagers who took court action against motorsport bosses at Croft Circuit, near Darlington.

The Save Croft Circuit site, on Facebook, has attracted one new member every minute since it was opened on Saturday.

The page was set up following a report in The Northern Echo on the ongoing case between Croft-Promo-Sport – the organisers of race events such as the British Touring Car Championships – and neighbours Derek and Julia Watson and their daughter, Jill Wilson.

The family was awarded £150,000 in court last April when a judge ruled that they should be compensated for putting up with noise from the site, which is 300 yards from their homes at Daltonon- Tees.

Croft-Promo-Sport director Dennis Carter has warned that future events at the track could be at risk unless the Court of Appeal case against the order is successful.

The Facebook group was set up by racing fans Andy Jenkins and Kenny Atkinson.

“I have been going to Croft since I was a child – the place has such a proud history,”

said Mr Jenkins, 26, from Durham.

“To lose something like that would be ridiculous.

“We wanted to show Croft Circuit that the support is out there – and we have certainly struck a chord.”

The site has been inundated with comments and has attracted members from across the UK, as well as Italy, Australia and the US.

Councillor Jane Parlour, of Richmondshire District Council, said that the Watson family has support from residents, and challenged race organisers’ claim that the events earn the local economy as much as £3m.

“Much of the money that comes into the area goes into the circuit itself – it is not widely spread,” she said.

“I don’t think we have seen that much of a boost to the local economy.

“Nobody wants Croft Circuit to close, but people do want to work within tolerable limits of noise levels and traffic.

“How would you feel if you had racing cars revving their engines 300 yards from your house at 6.45am?”

Racing pundit Larry Carter, who commentates on races at Croft and looks after the circuit’s publicity, said: “How can it be that people who have only just moved into the area have the right to close down an historic facility which is so vital to the local economy as well as the tens of thousands of motorsport enthusiasts who rely on Croft for their recreation?

“Let’s hope common sense prevails otherwise the UK could become like Switzerland where motorsport is banned.”

The Court of Appeal is expected to announce its decision later in the year.

■ At the time of going to press, the Save Croft Circuit Facebook group had more than 3,600 members.