PLANS to develop a caravan park near Easingwold have been strongly criticised by locals.

An application has been made to change land at Follywood Sand Lane, at Huby, into 39 log cabins with a reception area.

The land is currently farmland and Hambleton District Council is set to vote on the scheme at its meeting on January 8.

The district authority is set to approve the scheme for a caravan park despite strong objections from locals.

Huby Parish Council, which covers the area, has several complaints against the plan and wants it scrapped.

The parish councillors fear the number of lodges wanted is too high and fear traffic problems from the development.

The councillors are also worried the site could become residential and that wildlife will be disturbed as badger sets are nearby.

Local residents have also voiced anger against the scheme with 57 people signing a petition against the plan.

Ten residents have also written to the council objecting against the plan.

They question whether the scheme will benefit the area and the effect it will have on the locals.