TWO senior appointments have been made to the new organisation that is to run social housing in Sedgefield.

Sedgefield Borough Homes will take control of Sedgefield Borough Council's 8,500 homes from April 1.

Alan Boddy will hold the position of director of corporate services and Ian Brown will be the director of housing and customer services.

Mr Boddy, from Shildon, is currently head of organisational development at the council where he started his local government career in 1984.

Mr Brown, from Stockton, also works at Sedgefield Borough Council as head of housing management.

Two other council officers were recently appointed to the organisation, Colin Steel as chief executive and Alan Smith as director of finance.

Mr Steel said: "I am delighted to have Alan and Ian on board. They are both of the highest calibre and their experience will help deliver a brighter future for the tenants of Sedgefield Borough Homes."

Almost 75 percent of Sedgefield Borough Council tenants voted in favour of transferring the ownership and management of their homes to Sedgefield Borough Homes.

The organisation plans to spend £100 million on repairs and improvements to homes in the first five years after transfer.